Source code for aiida_castep.cmdline.helper_cmd

Command line interface for generating CASTEP help information

import sys

import click
from aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_data import verdi_data

[docs]def dot_proc(iterable): """Provide a primitive progress bar""" print("Processing keywords") m = len(iterable) - 1 print("=" * (m // 10)) for n, i in enumerate(iterable): if n % 10 == 0: print(".", end="") sys.stdout.flush() if n == m: print("\n") yield i
[docs]def progress(func, *args, **kwargs): try: from tqdm import tqdm except ImportError: return dot_proc(func) else: return tqdm(func, *args, **kwargs)"castep-help") def helper_cmd(): """Commandline interface for controlling helper information""" pass @helper_cmd.command(name="generate") @click.option("--castep-executable", "-e", help="The excutable of CASTEP to be used") @click.option("--save-as", "-s", help="override default path for saving file") def generate(castep_executable, save_as): """ Generate help information file. The generated file will be saved as .castep_help_info_<version>.json at the $HOME by default. """ import os import subprocess as sbp from aiida_castep.calculations.helper.generate import ( get_castep_commands, parse_help_string, ) # Work out the executable name automatically if castep_executable is None: castep_executable = "castep.serial" completed =["which", castep_executable], stdout=sbp.PIPE, check=False) if completed.returncode == 0: castep_executable = "castep.serial" elif (["which", "castep.mpi"], stdout=sbp.PIPE, check=False).returncode == 0 ): castep_executable = "castep.mpi" elif["which", "castep"], stdout=sbp.PIPE, check=False).returncode == 0: castep_executable = "castep" try: castep_info = sbp.check_output( [castep_executable, "--version"], universal_newlines=True ) except OSError: print("Not a valid CASTEP excutable. Aborted.") return version_num = None for line in castep_info.split("\n"): if "CASTEP version:" in line: version_num = line.split(":")[-1].strip() if save_as is None: fname = f".castep_help_info_{version_num}.json" save_as = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), fname) else: save_as = os.path.abspath(save_as) print("######## Version info of CASTEP ########") print(castep_info) print(f"Save path: {save_as}") respond = click.prompt("Please check CASTEP version. [Y/N]") if not respond.lower() == "y": print("Aborted") return # Dictonary with short help lines all_keys = {} for key in ["basic", "inter", "expert"]: c, p = get_castep_commands(castep_executable, key) all_keys.update(c) all_keys.update(p) # The full dictionary full_dict = {} for key in progress(all_keys): lines, k_type, k_level, v_type = parse_help_string( key, excutable=castep_executable ) full_dict[key.lower()] = dict( help_short=all_keys[key], help_full="\n".join(lines), key_type=k_type, key_level=k_level, value_type=v_type, ) full_dict["_CASTEP_VERSION"] = version_num import json with open(save_as, "w") as json_out: json.dump(full_dict, json_out) print(f"Help information saved at {save_as}") @helper_cmd.command("show") @click.argument("keyword") def show_help(keyword): """ Show help information given a keyword. Equivalent as castep -h <keyword> use the information previously saved. """ helper = get_helper() h_text = helper.help_dict[keyword]["help_full"] print("") print(h_text) @helper_cmd.command("list") @click.option("--filter", "-f", help="Filter keys") def list_keywords(filter): """ Print out all avaliable keywords. Optional filter can be applied. """ helper = get_helper() h_dict = helper.help_dict def print_keys(ktype): print(f"List of keywords in {ktype} file:\n") for key, value in h_dict.items(): if not isinstance(value, dict): continue if value["key_type"] == ktype: if filter is None or key.find(filter) != -1: print("{:<40}{}".format(key, value["help_short"])) print("") print_keys("CELL") print_keys("PARAM") @helper_cmd.command("listfile") def list_file(): """ List files aviable to use. """ from aiida_castep.calculations.helper import find_help_info pairs = find_help_info() if not pairs: print("No avaliale file detected") print("Avaliable files:") print("{:<67} | {:^10}".format("Path", "version")) print("-" * 80) for path, version in pairs: if version == 0: version = "NOT_SPECIFIED" print(f"{path:<30} | {version:>10}")
[docs]def get_helper(*args, **kwargs): """ Get a helper object """ from aiida_castep.calculations.helper import CastepHelper helper = CastepHelper(*args, **kwargs) return helper
if __name__ == "__main__": helper_cmd()