Source code for aiida_castep.cmdline.mock_castep

Mock castep command

Separate cli interface for commands useful in development and testing.
import os
from pathlib import Path

import click

from aiida_castep.utils.mock_code import MockCastep, MockRegistry

[docs]def data_path(path): """Return a path inside the `data` folder""" return Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / "tests" / "data" / path
[docs]def output_file(*args): return data_path(*args)
@click.command("mock-castep") @click.argument("seed") def mock_castep(seed): """ A 'mock' CASTEP code that throws out output files for a given input seed name. """ pwd = Path().absolute() mock_output = [] mock_output.append("MOCK PREPEND: START ----------------------\n") mock_output.append("MOCK PREPEND: Mock directory: " + str(pwd) + "\n") mock_output.append( "MOCK PREPEND: AIIDA_PATH: " + os.environ.get("AIIDA_PATH", "") + "\n" ) if not Path(f"{seed}.cell").is_file: mock_output.append(f"MOCK PREPEND: {seed}.cell is not found.\n") stop_and_return(mock_output) if not Path(f"{seed}.param").is_file: mock_output.append(f"MOCK PREPEND: {seed}.param is not found.\n") stop_and_return(mock_output) mock_registry_path = os.environ.get("MOCK_CODE_BASE", data_path("registry")) click.echo(f"DEBUG: MOCK REGSISTRY PATH = {str(mock_registry_path)}") registry = MockRegistry(mock_registry_path) mock = MockCastep(pwd, registry, seed) if mock.is_runnable: detected_path = mock.registry.get_path_by_hash(registry.compute_hash(pwd)) mock_output.append( f"MOCK PREPEND: Using test data in path {detected_path} based detection from inputs.\n" ) else: mock_output.append("MOCK PREPEND: No match was found.\n") stop_and_return(mock_output) # Write the stored information to the stdout file with open("_scheduler-stdout.txt", "a", encoding="utf8") as handler: handler.write("".join(mock_output))
[docs]def stop_and_return(castep_mock_output): """Halts castep.mock, rebuilds the castep_output and returns.""" # Assemble the print("".join(castep_mock_output)) raise RuntimeError("The castep.mock code could not perform a clean run.")