Source code for aiida_castep.utils.dos

Module for density of state proces processing
import numpy as np

[docs]class DOSProcessor: """ Class for post-processing DOS data """
[docs] def __init__( self, bands_data, weights, smearing=0.05, min_eng=None, max_eng=None, bin_width_internal=0.001, ): """ Instantiate an ``DOSProcessor`` object :param bands_data: An np array of the eigenvalues. The order of the dimensions should be (Nspin, Nkpoints, Nbands), or (Nkpoints, Nbands). :param weights: An 1D array of the weights of each kpoint. :param smearing: Width for Gaussian Smearing :param max_eng: Maximum energy for the bins :param min_eng: Minimum energy for the bins :param bin_width_internal: Width of the bin used for counting number of states. """ # Reshape to ensure always 3 dimensions if bands_data.ndim == 2: bands_data = np.reshape(bands_data, (1,) + bands_data.shape) self.bands_data = bands_data self.weights = weights self.smearing = smearing # Set min and max self.min_eng = min_eng if min_eng else self.min_eigen_value - 5.0 self.max_eng = max_eng if max_eng else self.max_eigen_value + 5.0 # Set the bins for the energies initially - these are the "left" edges self.bins = np.arange( self.min_eng, self.max_eng + bin_width_internal, bin_width_internal ) # Nominated energies are the mid points of the bins self.energies = (self.bins[1:] + self.bins[:-1]) / 2
@property def has_spin(self): return self.bands_data.ndim == 3
[docs] def get_dos(self, dropdim=False, npoints=2000): """ Process the density of states by Gaussian smearing Here we use a two-step process. First the eigenvalues counted nto a fine grid, and under which a 1d gaussian filter is applied. Then the fine grid is resampled to the normal bin size. This way, energies that are near the bin edges are smeared with better accuracy. :param dropdim: Squeeze the first dimension of the output array, e.g. output 1D array if there is only a single spin channel. :param npoints: Number of the points for the output DOS array. :returns: A 1D array of the density of states. """ nspin, _, nbands = self.bands_data.shape counts = [] for ispin in range(nspin): # Construct the weights array with the same shape as the bands array weights = np.stack([self.weights] * nbands, axis=-1) # Construct the weights array with the same shape as the bands array hist_count, _ = np.histogram( self.bands_data[ispin, :, :], bins=self.bins, weights=weights ) counts.append(hist_count) counts = np.stack(counts, axis=0) # Apply smearing by convoluting with a gaussian kernel kernel = gaussian_kernel(self.smearing, self.bin_width) broadened = np.zeros(counts.shape) for ispin in range(nspin): broadened[ispin, :] = np.convolve(counts[ispin, :], kernel, mode="same") # Resample by linear interpolation out_energies = np.linspace(self.min_eng, self.max_eng, npoints) interp_dos = np.zeros((nspin,) + out_energies.shape) for ispin in range(nspin): interp_dos[ispin, :] = np.interp( out_energies, self.energies, broadened[ispin, :] ) if dropdim and interp_dos.shape[0] == 1: interp_dos = np.squeeze(interp_dos, axis=0) return out_energies, interp_dos
@property def min_eigen_value(self): """Minimum eigenvalue""" return self.bands_data.min() @property def max_eigen_value(self): """Maximum eigenvalue""" return self.bands_data.max() @property def bin_width(self): """Width of the energy bins""" return self.bins[2] - self.bins[1]
[docs]def gaussian_kernel(sigma, bin_width, truncate=10): """ Computer the gaussian kernel used for performing convolution :param sigma: The sigma of the gaussian. :param bin_width: Width of the energy bins. :param truncate: Beyond how many sigma should the values be truncated. Returns a 1D array of the gaussian kernel. """ nbins = sigma * truncate // bin_width bins = np.arange(-bin_width * nbins, bin_width * (nbins + 1), bin_width) return np.exp(-0.5 * bins**2 / (sigma**2)) * 1 / sigma / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)