Source code for aiida_castep.workflows.base

This module contains the *base* workchain class which acts as the starting point of
implementing more complex ones

import re

import aiida.orm as orm
import numpy as np
from aiida.common import AttributeDict
from aiida.common.lang import override
from aiida.engine import (
from import to_aiida_type
from aiida.plugins import DataFactory

from aiida_castep.calculations import CastepCalculation
from aiida_castep.calculations.helper import CastepHelper
from import flat_input_param_validator
from aiida_castep.common import INPUT_LINKNAMES, OUTPUT_LINKNAMES
from import get_pseudos_from_structure

from .common import (

Dict = DataFactory("dict")  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

# pylint: disable=no-member

__version__ = "0.0.1"

[docs]class CastepBaseWorkChain(WorkChain): """ A basic workchain for generic CASTEP calculations. We try to handle erros such as walltime exceeded or SCF not converged """ _context_pain_dicts = ("parameters", "settings") _calculation_class = CastepCalculation _verbose = False
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self._calculation_class is None or not issubclass( self._calculation_class, CalcJob ): raise ValueError( "no valid CalcJob class defined for _calculation_class attribute" )
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): """Define this workchain""" super().define(spec) # The inputs spec.input( "max_iterations", valid_type=orm.Int, default=lambda: orm.Int(10), serializer=to_aiida_type, help="Maximum number of restarts", ) spec.input( "reuse_folder", valid_type=orm.RemoteData, help="Use a remote folder as the parent folder. Useful for restarts.", required=False, ) spec.input( "continuation_folder", valid_type=orm.RemoteData, help="Use a remote folder as the parent folder. Useful for restarts.", required=False, ) spec.input( "pseudos_family", valid_type=orm.Str, serializer=to_aiida_type, required=False, help="Pseudopotential family to be used", ) spec.input( "kpoints_spacing", valid_type=orm.Float, required=False, serializer=to_aiida_type, help="Kpoint spacing", ) spec.input( "ensure_gamma_centering", valid_type=orm.Bool, serializer=to_aiida_type, required=False, help="Ensure the kpoint grid is gamma centred.", ) spec.input( "options", valid_type=orm.Dict, serializer=to_aiida_type, required=False, help=( "Options specific to the workchain." "Avaliable options: queue_wallclock_limit, use_castep_bin" ), ) spec.input( "calc_options", valid_type=orm.Dict, serializer=to_aiida_type, required=False, help="Options to be passed to calculations's metadata.options", ) spec.input( "clean_workdir", valid_type=orm.Bool, serializer=to_aiida_type, required=False, help="Wether to clean the workdir of the calculations or not, the default is not clean.", ) spec.expose_inputs(cls._calculation_class, namespace="calc") # Ensure this port is not required spec.input( "calc.metadata.options.resources", valid_type=dict, required=False, help="Set the dictionary of resources to be used by the scheduler plugin, like the number of nodes, " "cpus etc. This dictionary is scheduler-plugin dependent. Look at the documentation of the " "scheduler for more details.", ) spec.input( "calc.parameters", valid_type=orm.Dict, serializer=to_aiida_type, help="Input parameters, flat format is allowed.", validator=flat_input_param_validator, ) spec.output("output_array", valid_type=orm.ArrayData, required=False) spec.output("output_trajectory", valid_type=orm.ArrayData, required=False) spec.output("output_bands", valid_type=orm.BandsData, required=True) spec.output("output_structure", valid_type=orm.StructureData, required=False) spec.output("output_parameters", valid_type=orm.Dict, required=True) spec.output("remote_folder", valid_type=orm.RemoteData) # Define the exit codes spec.exit_code(900, "ERROR_INVALID_INPUTS", "Input validate is failed") spec.exit_code( 201, "ERROR_TOTAL_WALLCLOCK_EXCEEDED", "The maximum length of the wallclocks has been exceeded", ) spec.exit_code( 200, "ERROR_MAXIMUM_ITERATIONS_EXCEEDED", "The maximum number of iterations has been exceeded", ) spec.exit_code( 301, "ERROR_CASTEP_FAILURE", "CASTEP generated error files and is not recoverable", ) spec.exit_code( 302, "ERROR_SCF_FAILURE", "Cannot reach SCF convergence despite restart efforts", ) spec.exit_code( 400, "USER_REQUESTED_STOP", "The stop flag has been put in the .param file to request termination of the calculation.", ) spec.exit_code(1000, "UNKOWN_ERROR", "Error is not known") spec.exit_code( 901, "ERROR_ITERATION_RETURNED_NO_CALCULATION", "Completed one iteration but found not calculation returned", ) # Outline of the calculation spec.outline( cls.setup, cls.validate_inputs, if_(cls.should_dry_run)( cls.validate_dryrun_inputs, cls.run_dry_run, cls.inspect_dryrun, ), while_(cls.should_run_calculation)( cls.prepare_calculation, cls.run_calculation, cls.inspect_calculation, ), cls.results, )
[docs] def setup(self): """Initialize internal variables""" self.ctx.calc_name = self._calculation_class.__name__ self.ctx.stop_requested = None self.ctx.restart_calc = None self.ctx.restart_type = None self.ctx.is_finished = False self.ctx.unexpected_failure = False self.ctx.iteration = 0
[docs] def validate_inputs(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements """Validate the inputs. Populate the inputs in the context This inputs is used as a staging area for the next calculation to be launched""" self.ctx.inputs = AttributeDict( { "structure": self.inputs.calc.structure, "code": self.inputs.calc.code, } ) input_parameters = self.inputs.calc.parameters.get_dict() # Copy over the metadata self.ctx.inputs["metadata"] = AttributeDict(self.inputs.calc.metadata) # Ensure that the label is carried over to the calculation if not self.ctx.inputs["metadata"].get("label"): self.ctx.inputs["metadata"]["label"] = self.inputs.metadata.get("label", "") # Set the metadata.options for the underlying CastepCalculation # There are two ways to do this, one can either set it directly under the calc # namespace, or supply a dedicated Dict under 'calc_options' # The latter allows the get_builder_restart to work at the workchain level self.ctx.inputs["metadata"]["options"] = AttributeDict( self.inputs.calc.metadata.options ) # Check if there is any content if "resources" in self.inputs.calc.metadata.options: "Direct input of calculations metadata is deprecated - please pass them with `calc_options` input port." ) if self.inputs.get("calc_options"): self.ctx.inputs["metadata"]["options"].update(self.inputs["calc_options"]) # propagate the settings to the inputs of the CalcJob if "settings" in self.inputs.calc: self.ctx.inputs.settings = self.inputs.calc.settings.get_dict() else: self.ctx.inputs.settings = {} # Process the options in the input if "options" in self.inputs: options = self.inputs.options.get_dict() else: options = {} self.ctx.options = options # Deal with the continuations use_bin = options.get("use_castep_bin", False) if use_bin: restart_suffix = "castep_bin" else: restart_suffix = "check" # Set the seed name seedname = self.inputs.calc.metadata.options.seedname # In case we are dealing with a plain inputs, extend any plain inputs helper = CastepHelper() param_dict = helper.check_dict(input_parameters) self.ctx.inputs["parameters"] = param_dict if self.inputs.get("continuation_folder"): self.ctx.inputs[ INPUT_LINKNAMES["parent_calc_folder"] ] = self.inputs.continuation_folder self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"]["continuation"] = "parent/{}.{}".format( seedname, restart_suffix ) self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"].pop("reuse", None) elif self.inputs.get("reuse_folder"): self.ctx.inputs[ INPUT_LINKNAMES["parent_calc_folder"] ] = self.inputs.reuse_folder self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"][ "reuse" ] = f"parent/{seedname}.{restart_suffix}" self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"].pop("continuation", None) # Kpoints if self.inputs.calc.get("kpoints"): self.ctx.inputs.kpoints = self.inputs.calc.kpoints elif self.inputs.get("kpoints_spacing"): spacing = self.inputs.kpoints_spacing.value kpoints = orm.KpointsData() # Here the pbc settings of the structure is respected. # If a direction is not periodic it will have a single kpoint for the grid. # Care should be taken if a periodic structure incorrectly set to be # non-periodic! The kpoint along the non-periodic direction will be set to 1 by AiiDA's routine kpoints.set_cell_from_structure(self.inputs.calc.structure) kpoints.set_kpoints_mesh_from_density(np.pi * 2 * spacing) if not all(kpoints.pbc): "WARNING: Non-periodic structure detected. Kpoint spacings are set to reflect the non-periodicity." "This only makes sense for molecules-in-a-box input structures." "Bear in mind that plane-wave DFT calculations are always periodic internally." ) # CASTEP uses the original MP grid definition such that only dimensions with odd number # of points are Gamma-centred. # Shifts of the grid is needed to ensure Gamma-centering needs to be enforced. mesh, _ = kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh() use_gamma = self.inputs.get("ensure_gamma_centering") if use_gamma is not None and use_gamma.value is True: castep_offset = _compute_castep_gam_offset(mesh) kpoints.set_kpoints_mesh(mesh, castep_offset)"Offset used for Gamma-centering: {castep_offset}")"Using kpoints: {kpoints.get_description()}") self.ctx.inputs.kpoints = kpoints else:"No valid kpoint input specified") return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUTS # Pass extra kpoints exposed_inputs = self.exposed_inputs(CastepCalculation, "calc") for key, value in exposed_inputs.items(): if key.endswith("_kpoints"): self.ctx.inputs[key] = value # Validate the inputs related to pseudopotentials structure = self.inputs.calc.structure pseudos = self.inputs.calc.get("pseudos", None) pseudos_family = self.inputs.get("pseudos_family", None) if pseudos_family: pseudo_dict = get_pseudos_from_structure(structure, pseudos_family.value) self.ctx.inputs.pseudos = pseudo_dict elif pseudos: self.ctx.inputs.pseudos = pseudos else:"No valid pseudopotential input specified") return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUTS return None
[docs] def should_dry_run(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Do a dryrun to validate the inputs """ return False # We do not implement this for now
# return 'do_dryrun' in self.inputs
[docs] def validate_dryrun_inputs(self): pass
[docs] def run_dry_run(self): pass
[docs] def inspect_dryrun(self): pass
[docs] def should_run_calculation(self): """Should we start the calculation (again)?""" return ( not self.ctx.is_finished and self.ctx.iteration < self.inputs.max_iterations.value and not self.ctx.stop_requested )
[docs] def prepare_calculation(self): """ Prepare the inputs for the next calculation. """ if self.ctx.restart_calc: # Different modes of restart if self.ctx.restart_mode == "continuation": self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"][ "continuation" ] = "./parent/aiida.check" self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"].pop("reuse", None) self.ctx.inputs[ INPUT_LINKNAMES["parent_calc_folder"] ] = self.ctx.restart_calc.outputs.remote_folder elif self.ctx.restart_type == "reuse": self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"]["reuse"] = "./parent/aiida.check" self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"].pop("continuation", None) self.ctx.inputs[ INPUT_LINKNAMES["parent_calc_folder"] ] = self.ctx.restart_calc.outputs.remote_folder else: self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"].pop("continuation", None) self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"].pop("reuse", None) self.ctx.inputs.pop(INPUT_LINKNAMES["parent_calc_folder"], None)
[docs] def run_calculation(self): """ Submit a new calculation, taking the input dictionary from the context at self.ctx.inputs """ self.ctx.iteration += 1 # Update the iterations in the inputs self.ctx.inputs.metadata["call_link_label"] = f"iteration_{self.ctx.iteration}" try: unwrapped_inputs = AttributeDict(self.ctx.inputs) except AttributeError: raise ValueError( "no calculation input dictionary was defined in self.ctx.inputs" ) inputs = self._prepare_process_inputs(unwrapped_inputs) calculation = self.submit(self._calculation_class, **inputs) "launching {}<{}> iteration #{}".format( self.ctx.calc_name,, self.ctx.iteration ) ) return ToContext(calculations=append_(calculation))
[docs] def inspect_calculation(self): """ Analyse the results of the previous calculation, return/restart/abort if necessary """ try: calculation = self.ctx.calculations[self.ctx.iteration - 1] except IndexError: "iteration {} finished without returning a {}".format( self.ctx.iteration, self.ctx.calc_name ) ) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_ITERATION_RETURNED_NO_CALCULATION exit_code = None if calculation.is_finished_ok: "{}<{}> completed successfully".format( self.ctx.calc_name, ) ) self.ctx.restart_calc = calculation self.ctx.is_finished = True # If the maximum number of iterations has been exceeded elif self.ctx.iteration >= self.inputs.max_iterations.value: "reached the maximumm number of iterations {}: last ran {}<{}>".format( self.inputs.max_iterations.value, self.ctx.calc_name, ) ) exit_code = self.exit_codes.ERROR_MAXIMUM_ITERATIONS_EXCEEDED # Decide to retry or abort else: # exit_code = self._handle_calculation_sanity_checks(calculation) # Calculation failed, try to salvage it or handle any unexpected failures try: exit_code = self._handle_calculation_failure(calculation) except UnexpectedCalculationFailure as exception: exit_code = self._handle_unexpected_failure(calculation, exception) self.ctx.unexpected_failure = True return exit_code
[docs] def _prepare_process_inputs(self, inputs_dict): """Convert plain dictionary to Dict node""" out = AttributeDict(inputs_dict) for key in self._context_pain_dicts: if key in out: out[key] = Dict(dict=out[key]) return out
[docs] def _handle_calculation_failure(self, calculation): """Handle failure of calculation by refering to a range of handlers""" try: outputs = calculation.outputs[OUTPUT_LINKNAMES["results"]].get_dict() _ = outputs["warnings"] _ = outputs["parser_warnings"] except (KeyError) as exception: raise UnexpectedCalculationFailure(exception) is_handled = False handler_report = None handlers = sorted(self._error_handlers, key=lambda x: x.priority, reverse=True) if not handlers: raise UnexpectedCalculationFailure( "no calculation error handlers were registered" ) for handler in handlers: handler_report = handler.method(self, calculation) if handler_report and handler_report.is_handled: is_handled = True if handler_report and handler_report.do_break: break # Raise error if not handled if not is_handled: raise UnexpectedCalculationFailure("calculation failure was not handled") if handler_report: return handler_report.exit_code return None
[docs] def results(self): """ Attach the outputs specified in the output specification from the last completed calculation """"workchain completed after {self.ctx.iteration} iterations") for name, port in self.spec().outputs.items(): try: node = ( self.ctx.restart_calc.get_outgoing(link_label_filter=name) .one() .node ) except ValueError: if port.required: "the process spec specifies the output '{}' as required but was not an output of {}<{}>".format( name, self.ctx.calc_name, ) ) else: self.out(name, node) if self._verbose: "attaching the node {}<{}> as '{}'".format( node.__class__.__name__,, name ) )
[docs] def _handle_unexpected_failure(self, calculation, exception=None): """ The calculation has failed for an unknown reason and could not be handled. If the unexpected_failure flag is true, this is the second consecutive unexpected failure and we abort the workchain. Otherwise we restart once more. """ if exception:"{exception}") # if self.ctx.unexpected_failure: # # 'failure of {}<{}> could not be handled for the second consecutive time' # .format(self.ctx.calc_name, # return self.exit_codes.UNKOWN_ERROR # else: # # 'failure of {}<{}> could not be handled, restarting once more'. # format(self.ctx.calc_name, "failure of {}<{}> could not be handled".format( self.ctx.calc_name, ) ) return self.exit_codes.UNKOWN_ERROR
[docs] @override def on_terminated(self): """ Clean the working directories of all child calculation jobs if `clean_workdir=True` in the inputs and the calculation is finished without problem. """ # Directly called the WorkChain method as this method replaces that of the BaseRestartWorkChain WorkChain.on_terminated(self) clean_workdir = self.inputs.get("clean_workdir", None) if clean_workdir is not None: clean_workdir = clean_workdir.value else: clean_workdir = False if clean_workdir is False:"remote folders will not be cleaned") return if not self.ctx.is_finished: "remote folders will not be cleaned because the workchain finished with error." ) return cleaned_calcs = [] for called_descendant in self.node.called_descendants: if isinstance(called_descendant, orm.CalcJobNode): try: called_descendant.outputs.remote_folder._clean() # pylint: disable=protected-access cleaned_calcs.append(str( except (OSError, KeyError): pass if cleaned_calcs: f"cleaned remote folders of calculations: {' '.join(cleaned_calcs)}" )
[docs]@register_error_handler(CastepBaseWorkChain, 900) def _handle_scf_failure(self, calculation): """Handle case when SCF failed""" if "ERROR_SCF_NOT_CONVERGED" in calculation.res.warnings: self.ctx.restart_calc = calculation self.ctx.restart_mode = None dot_castep = _get_castep_output_file(calculation) for idx, line in enumerate(dot_castep[:-50:-1]): model_match = re.match(r"Writing model to \w+\.(\w+)", line) # If the writing model is at the last line there is a good # Chance that it was interrupted if model_match and idx > 0 and == "check": self.ctx.restart_mode = "continuation" break param = self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"] # Increase the SCF limit by 50% scf_limit = self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"].get("max_scf_cycles", 30) scf_limit = int(scf_limit * 1.5) self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"]["max_scf_cycles"] = scf_limit"Increased SCF limit to: {scf_limit}") if param.get("metals_method") == "edft" or param.get("elec_method") == "edft": return ErrorHandlerReport(True, True) # Reduce the mix charge amp mix_charge_amp = self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"].get("mix_charge_amp", 0.8) if mix_charge_amp > 0.2: mix_charge_amp -= 0.1 self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"]["mix_charge_amp"] = mix_charge_amp # Reuce mix spin amp mix_spin_amp = self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"].get("mix_spin_amp", 2) if mix_spin_amp > 0.5: mix_spin_amp -= 0.3 self.ctx.inputs.parameters["PARAM"]["mix_spin_amp"] = mix_spin_amp "Adjusted mix_charge_amp:{:.2f}, mix_spin_amp:{:.2f}".format( mix_charge_amp, mix_spin_amp ) ) return ErrorHandlerReport(True, True) return None
[docs]@register_error_handler(CastepBaseWorkChain, 500) def _handle_walltime_limit(self, calculation): """Handle case when the walltime limit has reached""" if "ERROR_TIMELIMIT_REACHED" in calculation.res.warnings: self.ctx.restart_calc = calculation self.ctx.restart_mode = None dot_castep = _get_castep_output_file(calculation) for nline, line in enumerate(dot_castep[::-1]): model_match = re.match(r"Writing model to \w+\.(\w+)", line) # If the writing model is at the last line there is a good # Chance that it was interrupted if model_match and nline > 0 and == "check": self.ctx.restart_mode = "continuation" "dot castep indicate model has been written, trying continuation." ) break # If we are do not continue the run, try increase the wallclock if self.ctx.restart_mode is None: wclock = self.inputs.calc.metadata.options.get( "max_wallclock_seconds", 3600 ) wclock_limit = self.ctx.options.get("queue_wallclock_limit", None) if wclock_limit is None: pass elif wclock == wclock_limit:"Cannot furhter increase the wallclock limit") return ErrorHandlerReport(False, True) elif wclock * 1.5 < wclock_limit: self.inputs.calc.metadata.options["max_wallclock_seconds"] = int( wclock * 1.5 ) else: self.inputs.calc.metadata.options["max_wallclock_seconds"] = int( wclock_limit ) "Adjusted the wallclock limit to {}".format( self.inputs.calc.metadata.options["max_wallclock_seconds"] ) ) # Temporary fix - wait for next relax of aiida that allows customisation # of the valid cache for Process classes calculation.clear_hash()"Cleared the hash of the failed calculation.") return ErrorHandlerReport(True, False) return None
[docs]@register_error_handler(CastepBaseWorkChain, 600) def _handle_no_empty_bands(self, calculation): """Handle the case where there is no empty bands""" has_error = False for warning in calculation.res.warnings: if "At least one kpoint has no empty bands" in warning: has_error = True break if has_error is False: return None # Need to handle this error dot_castep = _get_castep_output_file(calculation) nextra_bands = None # Scan for the warning line and record the suggested nextra bands for line in dot_castep: match ="Recommend using nextra_bands of (\d+) to (\d+)", line) if match: nextra_bands = int( param = self.ctx.inputs.parameters # No warning found? Increase the extra bands by 50% if nextra_bands is None: perc = param["PARAM"].get("perc_extra_bands") if perc is None: param["PARAM"]["perc_extra_bands"] = 30 else: perc *= 1.5 param["PARAM"]["perc_extra_bands"] = perc param["PARAM"].pop("nextra_bands", None)"Increased <perc_extra_bands> to {perc}.") else: # Apply the suggested bands param["PARAM"]["nextra_bands"] = nextra_bands param["PARAM"].pop("perc_extra_bands", None)"Increased <nextra_bands> to {nextra_bands}.") return ErrorHandlerReport(True, False)
[docs]@register_error_handler(CastepBaseWorkChain, 10000) def _handle_stop_by_request(self, calculation): """Handle the case when the stop flag is raised by the user""" if "ERROR_STOP_REQUESTED" in calculation.res.warnings:"Stop is requested by user. Aborting the WorkChain.") self.ctx.restart_calc = calculation self.ctx.stop_requested = True calculation.clear_hash()"Cleared the hash of the stopped calculation.") return ErrorHandlerReport(True, True, self.exit_codes.USER_REQUESTED_STOP) return None
[docs]def _get_castep_output_file(calculation): """Return a list of the lines in the retrieved dot castep file""" fname = calculation.get_option("output_filename") fcontent = calculation.outputs.retrieved.get_object_content(fname) return fcontent.split("\n")
[docs]def _compute_castep_gam_offset(grids): """ Compute the offset need to get gamma-centred grids for a given grid specification Note that the offset are expressed in the reciprocal cell units. """ shifts = [] for grid in grids: if grid % 2 == 0: shifts.append(-1 / grid / 2) else: shifts.append(0.0) return shifts