Source code for aiida_castep.workflows.base

This module contains the *base* workchain class which acts as the starting point of
implementing more complex ones

import re
import numpy as np

from aiida.engine import WorkChain, if_, while_, ToContext, append_
from aiida.common.lang import override
from import to_aiida_type
from aiida.common import AttributeDict
import aiida.orm as orm
from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
from aiida.engine import CalcJob
from import get_pseudos_from_structure

from aiida_castep.common import (INPUT_LINKNAMES, OUTPUT_LINKNAMES)
from aiida_castep.calculations.helper import CastepHelper
from aiida_castep.calculations import CastepCalculation
from import flat_input_param_validator
from .common import (UnexpectedCalculationFailure, register_error_handler,

Dict = DataFactory("dict")  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

# pylint: disable=no-member

__version__ = '0.0.1'

[docs]class CastepBaseWorkChain(WorkChain): """ A basic workchain for generic CASTEP calculations. We try to handle erros such as walltime exceeded or SCF not converged """ _context_pain_dicts = ('parameters', 'settings') _calculation_class = CastepCalculation _verbose = False
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CastepBaseWorkChain, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self._calculation_class is None or not issubclass( self._calculation_class, CalcJob): raise ValueError( 'no valid CalcJob class defined for _calculation_class attribute' )
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): """Define this workchain""" super(CastepBaseWorkChain, cls).define(spec) # The inputs spec.input('max_iterations', valid_type=orm.Int, default=lambda: orm.Int(10), serializer=to_aiida_type, help='Maximum number of restarts') spec.input( 'reuse_folder', valid_type=orm.RemoteData, help= 'Use a remote folder as the parent folder. Useful for restarts.', required=False) spec.input( 'continuation_folder', valid_type=orm.RemoteData, help= 'Use a remote folder as the parent folder. Useful for restarts.', required=False) spec.input('pseudos_family', valid_type=orm.Str, serializer=to_aiida_type, required=False, help='Pseudopotential family to be used') spec.input('kpoints_spacing', valid_type=orm.Float, required=False, serializer=to_aiida_type, help="Kpoint spacing") spec.input('ensure_gamma_centering', valid_type=orm.Bool, serializer=to_aiida_type, required=False, help='Ensure the kpoint grid is gamma centred.') spec.input( 'options', valid_type=orm.Dict, serializer=to_aiida_type, required=False, help=('Options specific to the workchain.' 'Avaliable options: queue_wallclock_limit, use_castep_bin')) spec.input( 'calc_options', valid_type=orm.Dict, serializer=to_aiida_type, required=False, help="Options to be passed to calculations's metadata.options") spec.input( 'clean_workdir', valid_type=orm.Bool, serializer=to_aiida_type, required=False, help= 'Wether to clean the workdir of the calculations or not, the default is not clean.' ) spec.expose_inputs(cls._calculation_class, namespace='calc') # Ensure this port is not required spec.input( 'calc.metadata.options.resources', valid_type=dict, required=False, help= 'Set the dictionary of resources to be used by the scheduler plugin, like the number of nodes, ' 'cpus etc. This dictionary is scheduler-plugin dependent. Look at the documentation of the ' 'scheduler for more details.') spec.input('calc.parameters', valid_type=orm.Dict, serializer=to_aiida_type, help='Input parameters, flat format is allowed.', validator=flat_input_param_validator) spec.output('output_array', valid_type=orm.ArrayData, required=False) spec.output('output_trajectory', valid_type=orm.ArrayData, required=False) spec.output('output_bands', valid_type=orm.BandsData, required=True) spec.output('output_structure', valid_type=orm.StructureData, required=False) spec.output('output_parameters', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=True) spec.output('remote_folder', valid_type=orm.RemoteData) # Define the exit codes spec.exit_code(900, 'ERROR_INVALID_INPUTS', 'Input validate is failed') spec.exit_code( 201, 'ERROR_TOTAL_WALLCLOCK_EXCEEDED', 'The maximum length of the wallclocks has been exceeded') spec.exit_code(200, 'ERROR_MAXIMUM_ITERATIONS_EXCEEDED', 'The maximum number of iterations has been exceeded') spec.exit_code(301, 'ERROR_CASTEP_FAILURE', 'CASTEP generated error files and is not recoverable') spec.exit_code(302, 'ERROR_SCF_FAILURE', 'Cannot reach SCF convergence despite restart efforts') spec.exit_code( 400, 'USER_REQUESTED_STOP', 'The stop flag has been put in the .param file to request termination of the calculation.' ) spec.exit_code(1000, 'UNKOWN_ERROR', 'Error is not known') spec.exit_code( 901, 'ERROR_ITERATION_RETURNED_NO_CALCULATION', 'Completed one iteration but found not calculation returned') # Outline of the calculation spec.outline( cls.setup, cls.validate_inputs, if_(cls.should_dry_run)( cls.validate_dryrun_inputs, cls.run_dry_run, cls.inspect_dryrun, ), while_(cls.should_run_calculation)( cls.prepare_calculation, cls.run_calculation, cls.inspect_calculation, ), cls.results, )
[docs] def setup(self): """Initialize internal variables""" self.ctx.calc_name = self._calculation_class.__name__ self.ctx.stop_requested = None self.ctx.restart_calc = None self.ctx.restart_type = None self.ctx.is_finished = False self.ctx.unexpected_failure = False self.ctx.iteration = 0
[docs] def validate_inputs(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements """Validate the inputs. Populate the inputs in the context This inputs is used as a staging area for the next calculation to be launched""" self.ctx.inputs = AttributeDict({ 'structure': self.inputs.calc.structure, 'code': self.inputs.calc.code, }) input_parameters = self.inputs.calc.parameters.get_dict() # Copy over the metadata self.ctx.inputs['metadata'] = AttributeDict(self.inputs.calc.metadata) # Ensure that the label is carried over to the calculation if not self.ctx.inputs['metadata'].get('label'): self.ctx.inputs['metadata']['label'] = self.inputs.metadata.get( 'label', '') # Set the metadata.options for the underlying CastepCalculation # There are two ways to do this, one can either set it directly under the calc # namespace, or supply a dedicated Dict under 'calc_options' # The latter allows the get_builder_restart to work at the workchain level self.ctx.inputs['metadata']['options'] = AttributeDict( self.inputs.calc.metadata.options) # Check if there is any content if 'resources' in self.inputs.calc.metadata.options: 'Direct input of calculations metadata is deprecated - please pass them with `calc_options` input port.' ) if self.inputs.get('calc_options'): self.ctx.inputs['metadata']['options'].update( self.inputs['calc_options']) # propagate the settings to the inputs of the CalcJob if 'settings' in self.inputs.calc: self.ctx.inputs.settings = self.inputs.calc.settings.get_dict() else: self.ctx.inputs.settings = {} # Process the options in the input if 'options' in self.inputs: options = self.inputs.options.get_dict() else: options = {} self.ctx.options = options # Deal with the continuations use_bin = options.get('use_castep_bin', False) if use_bin: restart_suffix = 'castep_bin' else: restart_suffix = 'check' # Set the seed name seedname = self.inputs.calc.metadata.options.seedname # In case we are dealing with a plain inputs, extend any plain inputs helper = CastepHelper() param_dict = helper.check_dict(input_parameters) self.ctx.inputs['parameters'] = param_dict if self.inputs.get('continuation_folder'): self.ctx.inputs[INPUT_LINKNAMES[ 'parent_calc_folder']] = self.inputs.continuation_folder self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM'][ 'continuation'] = 'parent/{}.{}'.format( seedname, restart_suffix) self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM'].pop('reuse', None) elif self.inputs.get('reuse_folder'): self.ctx.inputs[INPUT_LINKNAMES[ 'parent_calc_folder']] = self.inputs.reuse_folder self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM'][ 'reuse'] = 'parent/{}.{}'.format(seedname, restart_suffix) self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM'].pop('continuation', None) # Kpoints if self.inputs.calc.get('kpoints'): self.ctx.inputs.kpoints = self.inputs.calc.kpoints elif self.inputs.get('kpoints_spacing'): spacing = self.inputs.kpoints_spacing.value kpoints = orm.KpointsData() # Here the pbc settings of the structure is respected. # If a direction is not periodic it will have a single kpoint for the grid. # Care should be taken if a periodic structure incorrectly set to be # non-periodic! The kpoint along the non-periodic direction will be set to 1 by AiiDA's routine kpoints.set_cell_from_structure(self.inputs.calc.structure) kpoints.set_kpoints_mesh_from_density(np.pi * 2 * spacing) if not all(kpoints.pbc): "WARNING: Non-periodic structure detected. Kpoint spacings are set to reflect the non-periodicity." "This only makes sense for molecules-in-a-box input structures." "Bear in mind that plane-wave DFT calculations are always periodic internally." )) # CASTEP uses the original MP grid definition such that only dimensions with odd number # of points are Gamma-centred. # Shifts of the grid is needed to ensure Gamma-centering needs to be enforced. mesh, _ = kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh() use_gamma = self.inputs.get('ensure_gamma_centering') if use_gamma is not None and use_gamma.value is True: castep_offset = _compute_castep_gam_offset(mesh) kpoints.set_kpoints_mesh(mesh, castep_offset)"Offset used for Gamma-centering: {}".format( castep_offset))"Using kpoints: {}".format(kpoints.get_description())) self.ctx.inputs.kpoints = kpoints else:'No valid kpoint input specified') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUTS # Pass extra kpoints exposed_inputs = self.exposed_inputs(CastepCalculation, 'calc') for key, value in exposed_inputs.items(): if key.endswith('_kpoints'): self.ctx.inputs[key] = value # Validate the inputs related to pseudopotentials structure = self.inputs.calc.structure pseudos = self.inputs.calc.get('pseudos', None) pseudos_family = self.inputs.get('pseudos_family', None) if pseudos_family: pseudo_dict = get_pseudos_from_structure(structure, pseudos_family.value) self.ctx.inputs.pseudos = pseudo_dict elif pseudos: self.ctx.inputs.pseudos = pseudos else:'No valid pseudopotential input specified') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUTS return None
[docs] def should_dry_run(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Do a dryrun to validate the inputs """ return False # We do not implement this for now
#return 'do_dryrun' in self.inputs
[docs] def validate_dryrun_inputs(self): pass
[docs] def run_dry_run(self): pass
[docs] def inspect_dryrun(self): pass
[docs] def should_run_calculation(self): """Should we start the calculation (again)?""" return not self.ctx.is_finished and \ self.ctx.iteration < self.inputs.max_iterations.value and \ not self.ctx.stop_requested
[docs] def prepare_calculation(self): """ Prepare the inputs for the next calculation. """ if self.ctx.restart_calc: # Different modes of restart if self.ctx.restart_mode == 'continuation': self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM'][ 'continuation'] = './parent/aiida.check' self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM'].pop('reuse', None) self.ctx.inputs[INPUT_LINKNAMES[ 'parent_calc_folder']] = self.ctx.restart_calc.outputs.remote_folder elif self.ctx.restart_type == 'reuse': self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM'][ 'reuse'] = './parent/aiida.check' self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM'].pop('continuation', None) self.ctx.inputs[INPUT_LINKNAMES[ 'parent_calc_folder']] = self.ctx.restart_calc.outputs.remote_folder else: self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM'].pop('continuation', None) self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM'].pop('reuse', None) self.ctx.inputs.pop(INPUT_LINKNAMES['parent_calc_folder'], None)
[docs] def run_calculation(self): """ Submit a new calculation, taking the input dictionary from the context at self.ctx.inputs """ self.ctx.iteration += 1 # Update the iterations in the inputs self.ctx.inputs.metadata['call_link_label'] = \ 'iteration_{}'.format(self.ctx.iteration) try: unwrapped_inputs = AttributeDict(self.ctx.inputs) except AttributeError: raise ValueError( 'no calculation input dictionary was defined in self.ctx.inputs' ) inputs = self._prepare_process_inputs(unwrapped_inputs) calculation = self.submit(self._calculation_class, **inputs)'launching {}<{}> iteration #{}'.format( self.ctx.calc_name,, self.ctx.iteration)) return ToContext(calculations=append_(calculation))
[docs] def inspect_calculation(self): """ Analyse the results of the previous calculation, return/restart/abort if necessary """ try: calculation = self.ctx.calculations[self.ctx.iteration - 1] except IndexError:'iteration {} finished without returning a {}'.format( self.ctx.iteration, self.ctx.calc_name)) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_ITERATION_RETURNED_NO_CALCULATION exit_code = None if calculation.is_finished_ok:'{}<{}> completed successfully'.format( self.ctx.calc_name, self.ctx.restart_calc = calculation self.ctx.is_finished = True # If the maximum number of iterations has been exceeded elif self.ctx.iteration >= self.inputs.max_iterations.value: 'reached the maximumm number of iterations {}: last ran {}<{}>' .format(self.inputs.max_iterations.value, self.ctx.calc_name, exit_code = self.exit_codes.ERROR_MAXIMUM_ITERATIONS_EXCEEDED # Decide to retry or abort else: #exit_code = self._handle_calculation_sanity_checks(calculation) # Calculation failed, try to salvage it or handle any unexpected failures try: exit_code = self._handle_calculation_failure(calculation) except UnexpectedCalculationFailure as exception: exit_code = self._handle_unexpected_failure( calculation, exception) self.ctx.unexpected_failure = True return exit_code
[docs] def _prepare_process_inputs(self, inputs_dict): """Convert plain dictionary to Dict node""" out = AttributeDict(inputs_dict) for key in self._context_pain_dicts: if key in out: out[key] = Dict(dict=out[key]) return out
[docs] def _handle_calculation_failure(self, calculation): """Handle failure of calculation by refering to a range of handlers""" try: outputs = calculation.outputs[ OUTPUT_LINKNAMES['results']].get_dict() _ = outputs['warnings'] _ = outputs['parser_warnings'] except (KeyError) as exception: raise UnexpectedCalculationFailure(exception) is_handled = False handler_report = None handlers = sorted(self._error_handlers, key=lambda x: x.priority, reverse=True) if not handlers: raise UnexpectedCalculationFailure( 'no calculation error handlers were registered') for handler in handlers: handler_report = handler.method(self, calculation) if handler_report and handler_report.is_handled: is_handled = True if handler_report and handler_report.do_break: break # Raise error if not handled if not is_handled: raise UnexpectedCalculationFailure( 'calculation failure was not handled') if handler_report: return handler_report.exit_code return None
[docs] def results(self): """ Attach the outputs specified in the output specification from the last completed calculation """'workchain completed after {} iterations'.format( self.ctx.iteration)) for name, port in self.spec().outputs.items(): try: node = self.ctx.restart_calc.get_outgoing( link_label_filter=name).one().node except ValueError: if port.required: "the process spec specifies the output '{}' as required but was not an output of {}<{}>" .format(name, self.ctx.calc_name, else: self.out(name, node) if self._verbose:"attaching the node {}<{}> as '{}'".format( node.__class__.__name__,, name))
[docs] def _handle_unexpected_failure(self, calculation, exception=None): """ The calculation has failed for an unknown reason and could not be handled. If the unexpected_failure flag is true, this is the second consecutive unexpected failure and we abort the workchain. Otherwise we restart once more. """ if exception:'{}'.format(exception)) # if self.ctx.unexpected_failure: # # 'failure of {}<{}> could not be handled for the second consecutive time' # .format(self.ctx.calc_name, # return self.exit_codes.UNKOWN_ERROR # else: # # 'failure of {}<{}> could not be handled, restarting once more'. # format(self.ctx.calc_name,'failure of {}<{}> could not be handled'.format( self.ctx.calc_name, return self.exit_codes.UNKOWN_ERROR
[docs] @override def on_terminated(self): """ Clean the working directories of all child calculation jobs if `clean_workdir=True` in the inputs and the calculation is finished without problem. """ # Directly called the WorkChain method as this method replaces that of the BaseRestartWorkChain WorkChain.on_terminated(self) clean_workdir = self.inputs.get('clean_workdir', None) if clean_workdir is not None: clean_workdir = clean_workdir.value else: clean_workdir = False if clean_workdir is False:'remote folders will not be cleaned') return if not self.ctx.is_finished: 'remote folders will not be cleaned because the workchain finished with error.' ) return cleaned_calcs = [] for called_descendant in self.node.called_descendants: if isinstance(called_descendant, orm.CalcJobNode): try: called_descendant.outputs.remote_folder._clean() # pylint: disable=protected-access cleaned_calcs.append(str( except (IOError, OSError, KeyError): pass if cleaned_calcs: f"cleaned remote folders of calculations: {' '.join(cleaned_calcs)}" )
[docs]@register_error_handler(CastepBaseWorkChain, 900) def _handle_scf_failure(self, calculation): """Handle case when SCF failed""" if 'ERROR_SCF_NOT_CONVERGED' in calculation.res.warnings: self.ctx.restart_calc = calculation self.ctx.restart_mode = None dot_castep = _get_castep_output_file(calculation) for idx, line in enumerate(dot_castep[:-50:-1]): model_match = re.match(r'Writing model to \w+\.(\w+)', line) # If the writing model is at the last line there is a good # Chance that it was interrupted if model_match and idx > 0 and == 'check': self.ctx.restart_mode = 'continuation' break param = self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM'] # Increase the SCF limit by 50% scf_limit = self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM'].get( 'max_scf_cycles', 30) scf_limit = int(scf_limit * 1.5) self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM']['max_scf_cycles'] = scf_limit'Increased SCF limit to: {}'.format(scf_limit)) if param.get('metals_method') == 'edft' or param.get( 'elec_method') == 'edft': return ErrorHandlerReport(True, True) # Reduce the mix charge amp mix_charge_amp = self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM'].get( 'mix_charge_amp', 0.8) if mix_charge_amp > 0.2: mix_charge_amp -= 0.1 self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM']['mix_charge_amp'] = mix_charge_amp # Reuce mix spin amp mix_spin_amp = self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM'].get( 'mix_spin_amp', 2) if mix_spin_amp > 0.5: mix_spin_amp -= 0.3 self.ctx.inputs.parameters['PARAM']['mix_spin_amp'] = mix_spin_amp 'Adjusted mix_charge_amp:{:.2f}, mix_spin_amp:{:.2f}'.format( mix_charge_amp, mix_spin_amp)) return ErrorHandlerReport(True, True) return None
[docs]@register_error_handler(CastepBaseWorkChain, 500) def _handle_walltime_limit(self, calculation): """Handle case when the walltime limit has reached""" if 'ERROR_TIMELIMIT_REACHED' in calculation.res.warnings: self.ctx.restart_calc = calculation self.ctx.restart_mode = None dot_castep = _get_castep_output_file(calculation) for nline, line in enumerate(dot_castep[::-1]): model_match = re.match(r'Writing model to \w+\.(\w+)', line) # If the writing model is at the last line there is a good # Chance that it was interrupted if model_match and nline > 0 and == 'check': self.ctx.restart_mode = 'continuation' 'dot castep indicate model has been written, trying continuation.' ) break # If we are do not continue the run, try increase the wallclock if self.ctx.restart_mode is None: wclock = self.inputs.calc.metadata.options.get( 'max_wallclock_seconds', 3600) wclock_limit = self.ctx.options.get('queue_wallclock_limit', None) if wclock_limit is None: pass elif wclock == wclock_limit:'Cannot furhter increase the wallclock limit') return ErrorHandlerReport(False, True) elif wclock * 1.5 < wclock_limit: self.inputs.calc.metadata.options[ 'max_wallclock_seconds'] = int(wclock * 1.5) else: self.inputs.calc.metadata.options[ 'max_wallclock_seconds'] = int(wclock_limit)'Adjusted the wallclock limit to {}'.format( self.inputs.calc.metadata.options['max_wallclock_seconds'])) # Temporary fix - wait for next relax of aiida that allows customisation # of the valid cache for Process classes calculation.clear_hash()'Cleared the hash of the failed calculation.') return ErrorHandlerReport(True, False) return None
[docs]@register_error_handler(CastepBaseWorkChain, 600) def _handle_no_empty_bands(self, calculation): """Handle the case where there is no empty bands""" has_error = False for warning in calculation.res.warnings: if "At least one kpoint has no empty bands" in warning: has_error = True break if has_error is False: return None # Need to handle this error dot_castep = _get_castep_output_file(calculation) nextra_bands = None # Scan for the warning line and record the suggested nextra bands for line in dot_castep: match ="Recommend using nextra_bands of (\d+) to (\d+)", line) if match: nextra_bands = int( param = self.ctx.inputs.parameters # No warning found? Increase the extra bands by 50% if nextra_bands is None: perc = param['PARAM'].get('perc_extra_bands') if perc is None: param['PARAM']['perc_extra_bands'] = 30 else: perc *= 1.5 param['PARAM']['perc_extra_bands'] = perc param['PARAM'].pop('nextra_bands', None)'Increased <perc_extra_bands> to {perc}.') else: # Apply the suggested bands param['PARAM']['nextra_bands'] = nextra_bands param['PARAM'].pop('perc_extra_bands', None)'Increased <nextra_bands> to {nextra_bands}.') return ErrorHandlerReport(True, False)
[docs]@register_error_handler(CastepBaseWorkChain, 10000) def _handle_stop_by_request(self, calculation): """Handle the case when the stop flag is raised by the user""" if 'ERROR_STOP_REQUESTED' in calculation.res.warnings:'Stop is requested by user. Aborting the WorkChain.') self.ctx.restart_calc = calculation self.ctx.stop_requested = True calculation.clear_hash()'Cleared the hash of the stopped calculation.') return ErrorHandlerReport(True, True, self.exit_codes.USER_REQUESTED_STOP) return None
[docs]def _get_castep_output_file(calculation): """Return a list of the lines in the retrieved dot castep file""" fname = calculation.get_option('output_filename') fcontent = calculation.outputs.retrieved.get_object_content(fname) return fcontent.split('\n')
[docs]def _compute_castep_gam_offset(grids): """ Compute the offset need to get gamma-centred grids for a given grid specification Note that the offset are expressed in the reciprocal cell units. """ shifts = [] for grid in grids: if grid % 2 == 0: shifts.append(-1 / grid / 2) else: shifts.append(0.) return shifts